Monday, November 22, 2010

The Tao of Dark Sages - Chapter 19, Part 1

The Tao of Dark Sages
by Scott Bradley

Even if ‘love’ meant affection, I was amazed at how much the thought affected me. I think it was then that I first realized my ‘hots’ for Sue-tzu were a lot deeper than is my wont. So now you get a love story? And you were thinking the key to enlightenment was just one page ahead!

And now, all you’ll find is some seamy love triangle among a pod of gurus! Love rectangle, actually. Well, I’ll put your mind at rest; that story is only incidental and more or less seamless. But, if you’d like a fun exercise, consider whether a true sage can fall in love and, if so, how that love would be.

That time on the roof was magic and we spent many a subsequent evenings lying about there on sleeping mats we brought from below. The village had no electricity and the pure night sky at that altitude was just beyond reach. To be in the presence of all that could anyone need a guru?

So, we laid about and mostly just absorbed the wonder. Any conversations we had were brief, but somehow seemed profound — pithy kernels of wisdom. Many were actually so vacuous that I either can’t remember them or have purposely chosen not to relate them. Here are some that might be instructive. But first, a discussion between Gabi and myself.

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here.

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