Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Tao of Dark Sages - Chapter 18, Part 2

The Tao of Dark Sages
by Scott Bradley

Gabi: Sue-tzu, something I’ve been wondering...I mean you do seem happy and peaceful and all, but isn’t it hard for you to be with Mark-tzu — him being quantum leapt and all and you being...well, unleapt?

Sue-tzu: Well, yes. He does fart something terrible.

Gabi: I’m serious! You must hunger to share this experience, non?

Sue-tzu: No, actually I don’t. I’m not enrolled in the enlightenment program. I admit that I used to be, but I’ve found that just living empty brings more than enough peace and joy for me. And remember, this hunger is the problem, not the solution.

Mark-tzu: We never arrive anywhere if we aren’t where we are now. Sue-tzu’s just having fun being where she is.

Gabi: You don’t feel like you’re missing out?

Sue-tzu: I don’t feel like there’s anything to miss. I’m living the life I have. Aimlessly. Purposelessly. Without reference to a hierarchy of attainments. If you’re not hungry, why seek? Freedom has no purpose. There is nothing to become. Life has no known purpose. Everything is just as it is; just as it should be.

Mark-tzu: Sue-tzu’s the ‘enlightened one’ around here.

Scott-tzu: If she’s walking the walk and not just talking the talk, I’ve got to agree with you. Sue-tzu, are you the enlightened one around here?

Sue-tzu: That’s a very stupid question, Scott-tzu! I shouldn’t be talking, and the walking, only I can know.

Scott-tzu: Sorry, Sue-tzu! It’s just that I can talk the talk, but crawl the walk. I didn’t mean to offend you.

Sue-tzu: Offend me! Now you offend! Do you think I am offended? What do I care for enlightened or not enlightened. Crawling or walking? I love your silliness Scott-tzu, but...

Scott-tzu: I’ll be damned! You are enlightened!

Sue-tzu: And you are stupid!

Mark-tzu: He sure the shit is, but that’s why you love him so much. I started this, so I’ll end it. Any chance for a refill?

Scott-tzu: (She ‘loves me’?!)

If you're interested in reading more from this series by Scott Bradley, go here.

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