Saturday, November 13, 2010

Learning Not to Force

I'm feeling a bit better today. I'm certainly not back to full strength, but I'm also not feeling half as crappy as I was two days ago. So, I'm trying to learn a lesson, one that I haven't learned very well in similar situations in the past. It's the kind of lesson many people have difficulty learning.

When we unexpectedly are knocked off our game, what is the one thing most of us yearn? To get back in the flow of life as soon as possible!! As soon as we feel like one-half of our usual selves, we want to go charging back into the job, family, our social life or whatever else. Often times, this only slows down (or completely stops) the healing process.

So, I am going to try a different tack. I'm going to try not to force myself to feel better. I'm going to try gradually to ease back into the flow of my life. Let's see how successful I am! :-)


  1. Good plan! I hope it works well for you.

  2. good luck! it's a lesson i haven't learned yet ;)

  3. Rambling,
    You have grown to be my idol. I value your wisdom and if anyone can conquer adversity it is you.

  4. Tim,
    I don't know how to respond to your comment. It makes me uncomfortable to be someone's "idol".


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