Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Final Frontier

I still remember the day I sat with my mom in front of our old black-and-white TV to watch Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin take those first historic steps on the moon. In fact, throughout my youth I rarely missed the lift-off and coverage of the Gemini and Apollo space programs.

For years, I supported the mission of NASA and thought it would be a travesty to end our exploration of space. Lately, I have changed my view completely. With all the problems we have domestically and internationally, it seems like such a waste of money and technology. Shouldn't we commit these large expenditures of funds and brainpower toward improving the lot of the vast majority on the planet we live on?

Since the beginning of human history, our species has looked to the sky for answers. Part of the reason we send spacecraft up into the heavens is that we mistakenly believe that we can find the indomitable truth out THERE somewhere. Maybe, just maybe, we can come face-to-face with our creator.

For all our efforts, we are no closer to discovering truth...because we keep looking in the wrong places.

It resides in each of us. It's there in the mysterious void in our most inner depths.

More importantly, as long as we strive to find truth, it will evade us. As long as we search, we won't find it. As long as we utilize our brains and our know-how, we won't be able to comprehend it.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way. True, it's fascinating, but it's kind of like fiddling while the ship sinks.

    Of course, we could keep the space program if we would simply cut our military budget in half. Right now over 50% of our tax money goes down that black hole (sorry). There's always those comparisons of how many teachers could be hired for a year for the cost of one missile, or one fighter jet. The expenditures in the military are astronomical (sorry).

    By the way, thanks for stopping by my humble little blog the other day. :)


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