Thursday, October 7, 2010

Turning Tide

Do you ever wonder why the evangelical and homophobic seem to yell the loudest? Why they view this as a life and death struggle for the integrity of the nation? Why the media pays so much attention to their every hateful cry? Why they pound the pulpit Sunday after Sunday? Why they crave to abscond with our political process so they can turn back the clock to the dark ages?

The answer is quite simple: The tide is turning against them!
Fewer than half of Americans oppose legalized same-sex marriage, according to a new poll on the issue released Wednesday, with significant shifts in public opinion on the issue just since last year.

More Americans continue to oppose gay marriage than support it, according to the poll, which was released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center. But for the first time since Pew starting asking about same sex marriage 15 years ago, fewer than half of those polled said they oppose legalizing the institution.

The poll revealed other firsts. For the first time since Pew began asking about the issue, more white mainline Protestants and white Catholics favor gay marriage than oppose it.

"The shift in opinion on same-sex marriage has been broad-based, occurring across many demographic, political and religious groups," Pew's polling analysis said...
Want to guess which age group opposes gay marriage the most? It's those individuals born between 1928-1945, the ones who soon will be headed to a different realm...or nowhere at all.

Even worse, individuals born from 1980 on favor gay marriage by over 50% with less than 40% opposing it.

So, you see, the Religious Right is being so cantankerous precisely because, within another generation or two, they will represent a distinct minority. They want to pass a bunch of stifling legislation to slow down the inevitability they don't want to face. Even if they are successful in the short-term, if they are honest with themselves, they must know in their hearts that they have already lost in the long-term.

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