Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Slippery Slope

Life can be a challenge. We often find ourselves -- both individually and collectively -- faced with situations in which the road ahead is not clear. The answers we seek are not black and white but grey. What may first appear to be a quality decision might, after further reflection, not seem so clearcut after all.

As the US Supreme Court begins their next term, one of the cases that they will consider is Snyder v. Phelps. Here's how CNN describes the key issue:
Matthew Snyder's funeral was to be a private affair, with family and friends gathering at a Catholic church to mourn the 20-year-old Marine who died a hero in Iraq, serving his country. But Matt's father says his grief was compounded by anger and helplessness because of about a dozen unwanted visitors, a fringe group standing at the center of a constitutional showdown.

"I was just shocked that any individual could do this to another human being," Albert Snyder told CNN. "I mean, it was inhuman."

He speaks of members of a small Kansas church who have gained nationwide attention for protesting loudly at funerals of U.S. service members, denouncing homosexuality...
The church mentioned is none other than the infamous Westboro Baptist Church headed by the demagogue Fred Phelps!

Phelps is an a-hole. Not only does he lead members of his church to protest at military funerals, but they've also showed up to protest at the funerals of those who died from AIDS. Phelps could never be confused with a warm and fuzzy style of Christianity.
The hecklers carried signs that varied from the general to the personal: "God Hates America," "Priests Rape Boys," but also "You're Going to Hell," and "God Hates You," which the Snyder family claimed was directed specifically at their son, who was not gay.

The church patriarch Fred Phelps led the protest. "That's what I preach. They're either fags or f---ing enablers. Take your choice, each one is going to hell." Another church member said, "We're here to tell them that they sent their son to hell..."
There is no question in my mind that these misguided people border on being lunatics! Their antics are disrespectful times 100 and they are completely bereft of common decency. Their message makes me sick!!!

However, if I was a justice on the US Supreme Court, I would lean toward upholding their right to be class one jerks. In order for free speech to truly be free, it must be applied broadly and, particularly, to speech we may vociferously disagree with.

To deny the hatemongers of the Westboro Baptist Church their constitutional right of free speech could easily lead down the slippery slope. The precedent could be applied to a whole host of "private" events. Let's say a political party held a private dinner or fundraiser and protesters showed up to demonstrate against the polices and laws they advocate. I could easily see the police arresting them based on the Phelps' decision. Corporations could hold "private" functions and anyone with a beef against their actions could be arrested.

So, as ugly, mean, indecent and hateful as the Westboro crazies are, I can't see myself supporting a ban or an unreasonable limit on their right of free speech.


  1. i'm with you there. but by doing this, phelps just demonstrates his own assholery and makes people less likely to follow him. some people are self destructive and that is a mightily good thing.

  2. I've read that most of the "members" of his church are from his extended family.


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