Monday, October 11, 2010

Question: Is God Really Miss Manners?

It is truly amazing what a person can find by plodding through the Old Testament! All these years I thought Miss Manners was a human being who wrote a syndicated column on etiquette. Now I'm beginning to wonder if it might be God behind the pseudonym!

As I work my way through the Book Of Deuteronomy, I found this gem in the 13th verse of Chapter 23:
And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon; and it shall be, when thou wilt ease thyself abroad, thou shalt dig therewith, and shalt turn back and cover that which cometh from thee
God is instructing people in the proper way to take a crap!

And, let me say, it's a darn good thing he did. Can you imagine what human beings might have done with their dung had the creator of the universe NOT provided this timely advice? We might have thought to smear it all over our faces or use it as a sort of pitch on our thatched roofs or turned it into works of art or, maybe, ancient humankind might have considered eating it as dessert.

We are sooo lucky we never went down that road. We are lucky that our all-knowing deity is looking out for us by providing us with a divine toilet training program.

To see what other questions I've asked about the Christian Bible, go here.

1 comment:

  1. The entire Jewish religion is hygiene and what to eat.

    The entire Christian religion is how to play nice with others instead of just killing your enemies, although that lesson didn't take.

    Pretty much preschool and kindergarten, basically.


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