Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Pain of It All

You've probably noticed that my posts over the past few days have been shorter in length and not as frequent as usual. It all has to do with my pain level from my recent fall down my back steps. The pain seems to be inhibiting my flow of thought.

It's not that there aren't things that I'd like to write about -- far from it -- it simply has more to do with the fact that my leg isn't elevated when I sit in front of the computer (it's not a laptop) and, when my foot is down, it hurts a helluva a lot.

This is not to suggest I won't continue to try to plug away. It gets really boring laying in bed all day! So, I will continue to try to deal with the pain and, maybe later today, I can muster the brain power to type something halfway cogent.

1 comment:

  1. Friendly copy editor attack:

    "It gets really boring laying in bed all day!"

    Depends on what you're laying. Your leg? An egg?

    Actually you are "lying" in bed all day, but that sounds bad, doesn't it?

    Tae care of yourself; I'd recommend a nice NSAID but I guess you don't go there.


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