Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ooh, This IS Embarrassing

We all know how it has become too common, if you're on the Right and you rail loudly against the evils of homosexuality, that this indicates you most likely are a closeted homosexual. Well, it now seems to appear that this predilection extends to other issues as well!

Former CNN anchor Lou Dobbs -- a man who has become rabid on the cause of anti-illegal immigration -- turns out to have been an employer of...drum roll, please...many illegal immigrants. Who would have thunk it?
In Lou Dobbs's heyday at CNN, when he commanded more than 800,000 viewers and a reported $6 million a year for "his fearless reporting and commentary," in the words of former CNN president Jonathan Klein, the host became notorious for his angry rants against "illegal aliens." But Dobbs reserved a special venom for the employers who hire them, railing against "the employer who is so shamelessly exploiting the illegal alien and so shamelessly flouting US law" and even proposing, on one April 2006 show, that "illegal employers who hire illegal aliens" should face felony charges.

...But with his relentless diatribes against "illegals" and their employers, Dobbs is casting stones from a house -- make that an estate -- of glass. Based on a yearlong investigation, including interviews with five immigrants who worked without papers on his properties, The Nation and the Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute have found that Dobbs has relied for years on undocumented labor for the upkeep of his multimillion-dollar estates and the horses he keeps for his 22-year-old daughter, Hillary, a champion show jumper...
Sigh. What is the world coming too when you can't trust a conservative to tell the whole truth?

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