Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Voices Along the Path XXIII

I'm almost caught up on introducing you to the links added to the various sections in the right sidebar. This post will cover those in the Sites of Interest section as well as 2 others from the Fellow Wanderers.

Fellow Wanderers

Mr. Avenged and NonStampCollector are YouTube channel pages for two of my favorite video authors.

Sites of Interest

(Note: This is a spoof website.) Dear friends, we are living in cruel days. Evil hours. Yes, these are certainly dark times and it’s time for the moral majority to once again step forward to bring freedom and liberty to the world. Our culture was built on the guiding principles of conservatism and Christianity, from which all morality is born. As such American heritage was meant to be passed on from generation to generation, ensuring that our principles…our values…were never compromised.

But alas, the Left Wing Conspiracy and Liberal Agenda is spreading like a plague not only through our fine society, but through lesser cultures as well. Their sinful antics and attempt to pass off their wanton carnal desires into mainstream culture is destroying society and mankind. That’s where we come in. Together, in this community, you and your Moral Leaders will combat the evil liberals of this world and once again ensure that a bit of freedom and righteousness once again permeates every country, and let those who don’t abide by our teachings know the eternal pit of hellfire shall be awaiting!

I want to know why some people believe in gods, and what the psychological and social consequences of those beliefs are. I read the research, and when I find something juicy I write it up and post it here!

Religious Right Watch
Religious Right Watch is an Internet-based project dedicated to educating people about one of the most important political movement in America in the last 30 years: the Religious Right, which is also known as the Christian Right because the vast majority of the Religious Right's leaders, members, and institutions are Christian.

This web project is essentially a blog; but, in addition to its regularly-posted news, narrative, and commentary, RRW will offer helpful resources, such as a glossary (just what is the difference between an Evangelical and a Fundamentalist, anyway?) and links to important perspectives and information concerning the Christian Right.

Right Wing Watch
Right Wing Watch is a joint project of People For the American Way that monitors dozens of broadcasts, emails, websites, and the activities of Religious and Radical Right political organization. RWW analyzes and distills information that would otherwise circulate widely only within the Right, using our expertise on the radical right to expose risk their agendas and activities present to the country.

Singing Dragon
Authoritative books on complementary and alternative health, Tai Chi, Qigong and ancient wisdom traditions for health, wellbeing, and professional and personal development.

Shambhala Publications
Shambhala has specialized in books that present creative and conscious ways of transforming the individual, the society, and the planet. The notion of translating spiritual insight into action in the world is embodied in the company's name: "Shambhala" is a legendary Central Asian kingdom that symbolizes an enlightened way of life harmonizing the inner and outer worlds. Thus, the Shambhala worldview enables us to publish in a wide variety of subject areas, including psychology and the sciences, the arts and creativity, business and economics, and health and healing. Still, religion and philosophy remain the heart of our publishing program.

Talk to Action
Talk to Action is a platform for reporting on, learning about, and analyzing and discussing the religious right -- and what to do about it.

There is an editorial framework for this site than that is different than you will find on other major blog sites, so please read this carefully: We are pro-religious equality and pro-separation of church and state. We are pro-choice, and we support gay and lesbian civil rights -- including marriage equality. Therefore, debates about the validity of abortion and gay rights are off topic.

We understand that some people who share our general concern about the politics of the Christian Right may not agree on all of these matters. That's fine. Anyone who agrees with the general mission of this site is welcome to participate -- but bearing this in mind.

The Big View
If life is a journey, then philosophy is like a compass. It helps us to find our way through the jungle of possibilities that life presents. This website is about philosophy in the widest sense. It includes science, religion, mythology and other fields of thought that are not within the traditional scope of philosophy. However, it makes not much sense to treat these fields separately. Everything is connected. If one views anything from any possible angle, it can only increase understanding.

The Radical Academy
The Radical Academy is an analysis of the human condition as seen through the eyes of classical and contemporary thinkers in the areas of philosophy, politics, religion, science, and education. We define philosophy as the science of all things knowable to man's unaided powers, in so far as these things are studied in their deepest causes and reasons. We define politics in its widest sense to include the study of government, economics, and social theory and policy.

We discuss traditional and contemporary philosophical, moral, and religious questions; contemporary political, social, and cultural problems and policies; current scientific and technological issues and speculations; challenges to the "conventional" wisdom, "popular" ideologies, and "accepted" paradigms of our culture.

Why Won't God Heal Amputees?
Is God real, or is he imaginary? It is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself. If God is real and if God inspired the Bible, then we should worship God as the Bible demands. We should certainly post the Ten Commandments in our courthouses and shopping centers, put "In God We Trust" on the money and pray in our schools. We should focus our society on God and his infallible Word because our everlasting souls hang in the balance.

On the other hand, if God is imaginary, then religion is a complete illusion. Christianity, Judaism and Islam are pointless. Belief in God is nothing but a silly superstition, and this superstition leads a significant portion of the population to be delusional. But how can we decide, conclusively, whether God is real or imaginary?

Since we are intelligent human beings living in the 21st century, we should take the time to look at some data. That is what we are doing when we ask, "Why won't God heal amputees?"

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