Saturday, October 9, 2010

Just Beat It

I remember when Michael Jackson's mega hit, Beat It (see below), first hit the airwaves. The title reminded a lot of young people of a solitary pursuit that polite people never talk about! It became the punchline in many jokes like Devo's hit, Whip It (Whip It gooood).

Yes, beating it, whipping it and wanking it have been in the news lately thanks to GOP senatorial candidate Christine O'Donnell via comedian Bill Maher. In fact, in O'Donnell's most recent campaign ad, she informs Delaware voters that, "I'm you".

A recent study indicates that, if she is us, then she likes to masturbate -- which seems ironic since she has led public campaigns against masturbation. Of course, this could represent another example of a conservative being doubly guilty of what he or she rails about. If public homophobes are secretly homosexual themselves and anti-illegal immigration zealots employ illegal immigrants, then maybe all O'Donnell's stance means is that she can't get enough of herself. :-D
Among people 70 or older, according to preliminary data from the study, published October 1 in The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 80 percent of men and 58 percent of women have masturbated solo over a lifetime. Not bad, but the figures increase with each younger age cohort until we find a veritable generation of wankers, people age 25 to 29, whose lifetime rates peak at 94 percent among men and 84 percent among women. Masturbating with a partner is skewing in the same generational direction, only more dramatically.

It's not unexpected that men across the ages masturbate (or admit to it) at higher rates than women, but the study holds a few surprises. There hasn't been a broad national survey of sexual behavior in America since 1992, and this is the first to include old people and teenagers and the first to ask about mutual masturbation, among other things. Who could have guessed that more than 57 percent of old ladies in noncohabiting relationships were rousing themselves to ecstasy in their homes between March and May of 2009, when the data were collected? America may not rightfully be called a civilized society, but at least the human spirit endures in handmade fun...
Let's face it, pleasure is...well...pleasurable. Pleasure with somebody else can be grand, but it can be just as fabulous all on your lonesome.

Now I'm aching for the day when a political candidate will look straight into the camera to say, "I'm you. I masturbate and I'm not ashamed to admit it."


  1. "Now I'm aching for the day when a political candidate will look straight into the camera to say, 'I'm you. I masturbate and I'm not ashamed to admit it.'"

    I like to think our political candidates would claim to be better than we are, not the same as we are.

  2. Our leaders should inspire and motivate us to become what we are not already, not let us be comfortable with what we are.

  3. But they -- the leaders -- ARE us. Besides, why couldn't it work the other way around? Why shouldn't we inspire and motivate leaders to be something they are not?

    That said, I see this as off the issue anyway. Masturbation is natural and not something anyone should be ashamed of.

  4. Everyone who masturbates should be ashamed of it. It represents a surrender to the pleasures of the ephemeral body at the expence of seeking intellectual illumination. That something is 'natural' doesn't mean it is not to be ashamed of--are not rape and war natural?

  5. So, Anonymous, you also must be against all sexual contact. After all, most people don't have "intellectual illumination" on their minds when they climb into bed together.

  6. Ideally, yes. Notice that in most religious traditions marriage is considered a necessary evil, given the power of people's sexual desires ('better to marry than to burn'), and that the most enlightened individuals (nuns, monks, priests, the Pope, the Dalai Lama) are abstinent.

  7. It's a good thing I'm not religious, then! :-D

  8. Anonymous you're a wanker and you're ashamed of it. Your God knows that as well as you do.

    I on the other hand (on the other hand, get it) will happily use naturally occurring sexual energy in whatever way the situation says. Out in the city I may have the sight of a beautiful slim 19 year old fill my mind with the beauty of being, at home I may enjoy the pleasures of my wife and alone I may spank Michale Jacksons monkey and on neither of these occasions is it wrong. Godless as I am I just enjoy it.

  9. Ta Wan: I like a good discussion as much as anyone else but I'd suggest you be careful about jumping to conclusions about people you know nothing about, as well as about thinking those conclusions have any bearing on the discussion at hand.

  10. Oh come on I'm trying to bait, or should I say bate, you into the discussion of God and masturbation.

    You say that monks nuns and so on are the most enlightened of individuals and I'd say that many of them are the least, so tied they are in rules not of their making they are far from self realization.

    Still your denial and wish to stand against this issue is, as has been pointed out on this blog in a few posts lately, an admission of your own personal skeletons.

    Anyway RT will be one arm down very soon so let's see how he gets on.

  11. "Still your denial and wish to stand against this issue is, as has been pointed out on this blog in a few posts lately, an admission of your own personal skeletons."

    Not really. I've been free of this vice for almost three months now. Anyway, regardless of what RT has said, that's a silly way of dismissing an argument against almost anything. I'm against smoking--gee, that must mean I'm a closet smoker, and therefore that my argument is invalid (whereas neither of those--that I'm a closet smoker, and even if I am that my argument is invalid--is true).

    "You say that monks nuns and so on are the most enlightened of individuals and I'd say that many of them are the least, so tied they are in rules not of their making they are far from self realization."

    I know this happens a lot, but ideally the rules are not an end in themselves; rather monks, nuns, et al. follow the rules because they realise the rules are part of living an enlightened life.

    You, for example, say that the sight of a beautiful slim 19 year old fills your mind with the beauty of being. I highly doubt this. There are two types of aesthetic pleasure, as Kant as talked about: aesthetic appreciation proper (which involves purely the intellect), and feelings that involve visceral pleasure. My guess is that what you're talking about falls into the latter category. Think about the fact that you're not appreciating the human personality of the 19-year-old, which will still be there when she/he (pardon me, you didn't specify sex) is old and ugly. Contemplation of this personality involves no visceral pleasure whatsoever; it is this, then, that is aesthetic appreciation proper, and solely of the rational mind.

  12. "free of this vice for almost three months now"

    Free from the thought too?

    I'm not against anything at all, such is my philosophy of no philosophy.

  13. The thoughts have declined significantly, thank you.

  14. As the pure unknowing flow of the universe, the idea of applying such restrictions to mind and body are quite alien.


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