Saturday, October 23, 2010

It Could Be Me

One of the citizen initiatives on the ballot here in Washington state seeks to impose a state income tax on adjusted gross incomes of over $200,000/individuals and $400,000/filing jointly. Our state has no income tax; we utilize a sales tax instead. While opponents of this measure are utilizing typical scare tactics to try to convince voters that this initiative represents a back door mechanism to install a general income tax, I think it has a great chance of going down to defeat due to a more [American] capitalist-based reason.

You see, regardless of how impoverished a person or household may be today, most people believe -- given the right set of circumstances -- one day they too will be a member of the rich elite. This belief is pervasive in our society. It doesn't matter one wit how unrealistic it is for the vast majority. This notion that riches beckon beyond the next corner has been fed to us since day one and too many people have accepted it hook, line and sinker.

Consequently, far too many poor people never seem to want to support initiatives of this tenor simply because they have deluded themselves to think that, one day soon, it will apply to them as well. And, let's face it. By and large, Americans are greedy, me-first SOBs. They demand services, but they don't want to pay for them.

So, even though this measure ONLY applies to the top 1 or 2%, a significant number in the bottom 90% will vote against it because they unrealistically believe that it will affect them when their ship supposedly comes in.

Of course, their ship will never come in. There are too many holes in the hull and they are taking on more water than they can throw out.

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