Monday, October 25, 2010

Birthday Thoughts

So, today is my 53rd birthday. I expect it will be just like any other day. Della's at work and won't return home until 7 or 8 pm tonight. Nothing "extra special" is planned. No cake. No special dinner. No receipt of gifts. Just an ordinary day.

When I was a kid, it was different. Birthdays meant a party, cake, special dinner and loads of gifts and cards. I suppose that was okay then, but not now. There truly is no reason for a hullabaloo.

I had no choice in being born and, more than likely, I won't have a choice when and how I die. When you get to be my age, people like to say that a birthday is a celebration that you've made it this far -- like it represents a sense of accomplishment.

But what have I accomplished by living? It's the nature of being to want to continue being. I have simply followed the flow of my life.

I have been fortunate or lucky that a plane never crashed into my house or that cancer cells have never formed in my body. I have yet to be in the absolute wrong place at the wrong time. That day may still come, though. If it does, does that mean I am no longer accomplished?

Personally, I choose to celebrate each and every moment. Every moment of consciousness is a gift. When I'm feeling like unadulterated crap, I sometimes wish there was an easy way to return the gift, but it's a fleeting thought.

Each life is meaningful because it is life itself. There is no reason to look for anything else. One day each life will end and that day will hold meaning too.


  1. I agree with you, but to look at this from another angle:

    Maybe celebrating birthdays can be way for the people who love you to express how happy and grateful they are that you're part of their lives?

    Although, if I were to hear someone else say this, I'd then argue that if we really feel this way about our loved ones we shouldn't wait for one day a year to express those feelings!

    (oh, and happy birthday. :) )


  2. Happy Birthday man! the gift of your knowledge means a lot, I wish I could return the favour.

  3. My birthday just recently past too, I made little of it.

    The day I think is more a celebration for my mum than me.

    But anyway, we celebrate completing a lap of the sun, or the completion of one set of seasons. It is more of a celebration that the seasons do flow than me having made it one more set, and that celebration should be moment to moment.

  4. Ta Wan said everything I was going to.

    Besides the big bash is 60.
    Still, Happy 53rd.

  5. happy birthday! :) many people like doing something special to celebrate the good parts of their life thus far, and i don't see anything wrong with that. however if it's not your cup of tea, then celebrate life in whatever way is meaningful to you.

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