Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Tao Bible

I think it has become very well established by now that I like the series format. I think one explanation for this preference is born of my autism. Autistic folks tend to like to perform actions following established patterns. A series is a grouping of writings or programs that share a basic theme -- a pattern!

Another reason I like series is that I have worked very diligently over the past two decades to shorten my writing style. I used to be excessively long-winded. I know that this predilection tended to drive my friends batty.

Remember back in school when the teacher announced that essays must be around 500 words? Most of my classmates shuddered, "How on earth am I going to find 500 words to write on this subject?" Of course, my reaction was the precise opposite! "Five hundred words? How can I cover this important topic with such limitations?"

Since I have worked so hard to shorten and tighten up what I write, it has now become second nature. I personally believe it is a good methodology for writing blog posts. People are squeezed by time and most are not interested in reading long tomes on the computer or cell phone screen.

With that preface out of the way, I am unveiling my next series. This one will be quite a bit more avant-garde than previous ones! In fact, it borders on being downright wacky.

I don't know why this popped into my head one day. I was wondering, what if Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu or some other ancient Taoist writer decided to utilize the template for the Christian bible to expound upon the principles of philosophical Taoism? What would it look like and how would it differ from the Judeo-Christian version?

So, I've decided to juxtapose the King James version of the bible (from this website) against a possible Taoist version. I will look at particular bible passages and then offer a possible Taoist alternative. I will discuss why these two world views differ and, possibly, sometimes agree. I will also be very interested on your take as well.

While my main focus over the next 12 or more months will be on the "Line by Line" series, this will offer me a philosophic diversion to help keep the creative juices flowing. I don't know how often the Tao Bible series will appear or how long it will last. However, since I really like the symmetry of 11:11, when I do posts for the Tao Bible, you can expect to see them at 11:11 PM.

Tomorrow night you can expect the first installment which will cover Genesis 1:1.


  1. I would very much enjoy your eventual comparison of the Sermon on the Mount... perhaps, in particular, the Beatitudes.

  2. Well Matt, that's probably far off in the distance, particularly if I focus on a few passages from each book of the OT. But I do agree with you. That will be interesting. :-)

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