
Monday, August 16, 2010

Spotlight on NW Ohio Skeptics

Anyone who regularly reads blogs is bound to develop favorites. As one of my chief interests in life has become philosophical Taoism, it should surprise no one that most of my favorite blogs deal with this subject matter in one form or another. However, one of my daily MUST READ blogs is not Taoist, in nature. It often touches on similar themes, but NW Ohio Skeptics (owned and maintained by Bruce Gerencser), paints with a broader brush.
We are a group of agnostics, atheists,skeptics, humanists, and non-religious people who desire to present an alternative viewpoint to to the conservative, Christian viewpoint so common in NW Ohio and many parts of the United States. You can expect to find regular commentary on politics, social issues, culture and religion, with a focus on issues and news affecting NW Ohio. From time to time you will also find concise, passionate commentary on national politics, social issues, culture, and religion.
While a few others write posts, from time to time, most of the writings featured on NW Ohio Skeptics come from Bruce himself and, let me tell ya, Bruce writes from the heart!

Now a proclaimed agnostic, Bruce spent the vast majority of his life in the bosom of evangelical Christianity. Not only was he an ardent believer, but his vocation was that of pastor. Rev. Gerencser administered to thousands of people during a pastoral career that spanned more than 2 decades. So, this is a fellow who knows more than a thing or two about the Christian faith.

He also knows about the pain of leaving said faith. He knows about the friendships lost and the whispers behind your back. He writes about all this and more in an open, candid manner.

Many of his posts are gut-wrenching and lay open the wounds in his life. Several others, however, can be quite funny. Almost every one of them is enlightening and informative. As I wrote above, his blog is on my "must read" list and I eagerly await each of his next posts.

I could go on gushing for a good bit of time, but instead of that, I encourage each of you to drop by his blog. In most cases, I believe you will add it to your "must read" list of daily blogs too!!

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

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