Thursday, July 8, 2010

Look at Me!

We live in such narcissistic times. Today a basketball player -- LeBron James -- produced an hour long television program in conjunction with ESPN to announce which team he has decided to play for next season. The media ate it up and the blogosphere has been ablaze with predictions and analysis. Even though I'm a sports fan, I've got to admit that this is way over the top; all this hoopla for something as trivial as basketball.

If the guy was planning to announce he had discovered a way to plug the gushing oil well in the gulf or he had an idea of how to end war and poverty, I would applaud him. Unfortunately, all it ended up being was a gaudy case of "Look at me! Look at me!"

Of course, it's unfair to blame this one fellow. Media has become all about hype. We're awash in these so-called "reality shows" that are about as far away from real life reality as it gets. Everywhere we look, it seems that far too many people have fallen in love with their own reflection and their job is to get you and me to fall in love with it as well.



  1. My thoughts exactly.

    Missed in all this was the Kevin Durant story. A quite, young superstar that signed a long term contract with Oklahoma.

    James could learn a few things from Durant. His narcissistic TV show tonight left a horrible taste in the mouth of Ohioans.

    Of course ESPN COULD have said no, but they didn't.


  2. Agreed, he is also appearing in the morning on the ABC morning show. In all his comments all he mentioned was winning. No other reasons! Makes it hard to teach our kids that sports can be used to not only improve health but emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life. You like many of the ancients have.

  3. Heh, reminds me of the England World Cup team, hype all the way. We had navel gazing programmes about the players.

    I honestly wish I knew what they did to justify their salaries. Wayne Rooney, for example, gets £90,000 per week from Manchester United for kicking a football.

    As a dear friend reminds me regularly: Think of the fall of the Roman Empire.

    Bread and games all the way.


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