Sunday, July 4, 2010

Derivations on a Theme - If You Want to Get to Heaven

Over at NW Ohio Skeptics, Bruce had a post this morning entitled, Certainty. It concerns a topic I discuss here frequently as well -- We humans think we're certain about lots of things, when, in truth, we can be certain of almost nothing!

In one section, Bruce writes about the concept of heaven and says,
I don’t know if there is a Heaven. That’s why I am an agnostic. I don’t, I can’t KNOW.

I have my doubts. lots of doubts.

We want to believe life matters.

We want to believe there is more to life than what we now have.

We want to believe there will be a world someday where there is no pain, suffering or death.

Personally I hope there is an after-life, a Heaven, a world without pain, suffering or death.
As I wrote in the comments section of his post, I actually hope there isn't a heaven because it sounds damn boring! While only a masochist ENJOYS pain, it does provide meaning to our lives. We gain insight and wisdom BECAUSE of it. If there was a place of no pain, then how could there be joy, happiness, contentment or enlightenment?

For every yin, there's a yang!

I think the Ozark Mountain Daredevils aptly summed up my feelings on this subject in a roundabout way.

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