Thursday, July 8, 2010


I simply would like to post a note to book publishers and pr people. This is NOT a religious blog!! This blog focuses on a discussion of the world of ideas through the lens of philosophical Taoism/Daoism. In other words, it's philosophical, in nature.

In fact, I could go a step further to state it's anti-religious.

Lately, I've been receiving a lot of pitches to review books or interview authors and speakers who are of a religious bent. I realize that such emails are from lists gathered of supposedly "friendly" blogs and websites. Whoever is compiling these lists for publishers and speaker bureaus is not doing a very good job.

I have no interest whatsoever in reviewing a book or interviewing someone who believes there is a man-like being in the sky who watches over all. I'm not interested in promoting the "good news" of the gospels. If you have something that is related to Taoism, pantheism or humanism, bring it on.

However, if it has a religious focus, I have three words for you: I'm not interested. (A nice way of saying GO AWAY!)

1 comment:

  1. That's too funny. I rarely receive e-mails about books. I suppose my blog is openly unfriendly.


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