Monday, May 3, 2010

Ooh, Don't You Just Hate That?

I was working on another post about beliefs, when all of a sudden, I completely lost my train of thought. When I sat down in front of my keyboard, I had the post all laid out in my head. I started to type and then POOF, it all seemed to melt away.

I stared at my monitor. Somehow, I thought staring at my monitor would magically make it reappear. It didn't.

I stared at the ceiling for a while and that didn't work either.

So, here I am typing a post about the fact that the post I had planned to write at this time has up and left. I don't know where it went or if it will return.

Who knows? Maybe it IS on the ceiling staring down at me and laughing. It's laughing because I'm penning a post about nothing.

Hmm. Chuang Tzu now is laughing too.

I think I'll join them.


  1. Oh yeah, I visit that place often. Thanks for the company.

  2. It's like trying to remember people's names (whose faces you can recall); then when you remember the name, you can't remember why you wanted to remember them. The brain is strange, especially after a certain age.


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