
Monday, April 19, 2010

Wen Tzu - Verse 174, Part II

from Verse One Hundred Seventy-Four
When writing was invented, it was employed to manage affairs; fools could use it so as not to forget things, and the wise could use it to record events. When it became degenerate, it made treacherous falsehoods that could free the guilty and kill the innocent.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
As a wordsmith, it should surprise no one that I write words, think words, speak words and even spend an inordinate amount of time playing word games. It's not a stretch at all to say that words are my life!! I'd be completely lost without them.

But as much as I love words, I readily acknowledge that they can be utilized for good or evil. In the hands of a capable person, as Lao Tzu notes above, they can save lives or bring death. I also know that the old adage -- Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me -- sadly is wrong. Words and the intent behind them can subject others, directly or indirectly, to excruciating pain.

Even in the best of situations, words still are problematic. While accepted definitions and parameters exist, each person can understand a word in a slightly different way. Therefore, a simple sentence like "Dick knows Jane" can be interpreted to mean a wide variety of things (e.g., Do you mean "knows" in the biblical sense?)

Yet, for all their obvious pitfalls, words make complex communication possible. They allow a simple Taoist like me to ramble all over the place.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. This made me think of "My Fair Lady"...

    Word, words, words...
    don't talk of yin,
    don't talk of yang,
    don't talk of tao...
    show me!

  2. Aah Baroness, you're showing your age! :-D

  3. "Age" is just part of "Sage."
    In China they respect me and my silver hair!


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