
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Wen Tzu - Verse 174, Part I

from Verse One Hundred Seventy-Four
Sage kings of ancient times derived images from heaven above, derived measurements from earth below, and derived laws from humanity in between. Harmonizing yin and yang energies to attune to the structure of the four seasons, they observed the lay of the land, its moisture, fertility, and elevation, in order to set up enterprises that would produce goods and get rid of the problems of hunger and cold and avoid the calamities of illness and disease.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
Upon reading this passage, it made me think of all the American cropland -- particularly in California and parts of Texas -- that really isn't located in the best locales. In order to support the vast farms in a somewhat dry area, billions upon billions of gallons of water must be diverted from faraway rivers and streams.

And what has this strategy wrought? Water tables are declining at alarming rates and, in some areas, the situation is becoming critical. At the rate of transfer, some researchers now say it may take decades, if ever, for these areas to return to a semblance of normality.

Yet, for all the dire warnings, we keep pumping the water away from its source! And why do we fail to take heed of such a serious situation? Money!! The folks growing the crops need the diverted water to survive financially and the American consumer needs it just as much, lest we not have grains and produce on our tables at somewhat reasonable prices.

We have set up a farm system that, by and large, is non-sustainable. Unfortunately, it has become so ingrained in the fabric of our economic structure that it won't be easy to change and, at present, there isn't even the political will to do so.

We would have been much better off today if past leaders had attuned the structure of our agricultural system to the four seasons.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

1 comment:

  1. i agree, i'm a fan of the four seasons system. :) unfortunately there's so much wrong with the way we are handling agriculture i'm not even going to get into it! it would require a re-vamping of the whole system :(


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