Sunday, January 17, 2010

Wen Tzu - Verse 120, Part II

from Verse One Hundred Twenty
A chaotic nation seems full, an orderly nation seems empty, a moribund nation seems lacking, a thriving nation seems to have an abundance. To be empty does not mean to have no people; it means that individuals keep to their work. To be full does not mean to have many people; it means everyone is concerned with trivia. To have an abundance does not mean to have many goods; it means that desires are moderate and undertakings few. To be lacking does not mean to have no money; it means the populace is small and expenditures are great.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
Here's my suggestion: Don't read the passage above as if it pertains to a nation. Read it as it pertains to YOUR life. In this light, what kind of "nation" are you?

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. Excellent suggestion - thought provoking verse.

  2. i'm not sure, my life is chaotic but not overwhelming for the most part, sometimes it feels that way though. it's kind of scattered, but i like variety. it's not excessively tumultuous but there's plenty going on, plenty of work, plenty of play, we are busy but happy.
    it's very far from perfect but it suits me.


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