Saturday, January 2, 2010


Most people think of spirituality as a mystical, rarely achieved state of mind. The sage sees it as a natural result of learning to understand one's world and living in harmony with it.
~ Today's Daily Quote from The TaoWoods Center~
I love receiving these daily messages in my in box. Rarely more than a sentence or two, they motivate me to look at my life anew. Today's message really resonated with me and that's why I'm sharing it here.


  1. Spirituality is one of those words that means anything you want it to.
    I live on a weird island where many of the inhabitants go around "acting" spiritual.
    I've never seen anything like it.
    I actually considered having a T-shirt made up that said:
    "I'm more Spiritual that You are!"

    But knowing this place, people probably wouldn't see the humour in it.

  2. RT The quote is very nice.

    @the crow. A friend I traveled India with wore orange and an orange bag with penned on graffiti reading "More spiritual than thou" :D

  3. Very nice indeed. Thanks for sharing this one.


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