Saturday, January 9, 2010

Captain Kangaroo

I can't end this brief trip down memory lane without mentioning Captain Kangaroo! I started watching his show when I was only 3 or 4 years old and I continued to watch it until he went off the air (I was in my mid-twenties by then).

If any one media/entertainment person had a decided affect on the shaping of my personality, it was Bob Keeshan, Captain K. He taught me it was okay to be different. He taught it me was okay to love to read. Like me, he surrounded himself with animals, both real and make-believe. And Captain K proved that being a nice and gentle person was something I wanted to emulate.


  1. HI R T -

    I loved Captain K and all his friends. Wow. :-)

    Love Gail

  2. One of the happiest days of my childhood was when I finally got my very own pair of green jeans.

    I too watched until the Captain sailed into the sunset. What a great show that was!

  3. Effect, not affect...he affected so many of us! Way better than Buffalo Bob, and there before Fred Rogers (who has probably had similar effect on my son.)

    I love these quotes from the Wikipedia entry:

    "The responsibility of parents is to raise children who do not need parents."

    "Children don't drop out of high school when they are 16, they do so in the first grade and wait 10 years to make it official."

  4. I may have to write a post solely about my problem with affect/effect.


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