Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 80, Part V

from Verse Eighty
To be proud of the size of the country and vastness of the population, and to wish to look smart to rival countries, is called pride.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
Of all the types listed in the five parts of Verse 80, this is the one the United States of America is most guilty of. As a nation, we think so damn much of ourselves that we too often take unilateral action to show off our military might.

To be certain, the US is not the only country throughout history that likes to flex its muscles on the world stage -- the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Empire, England, France and Russia also come to mind -- but we've taken it and made it a perverse art form!

Our belief in the greatness of ourselves can be captured in the overused phrase, The American Way. We have utilized that phrase for well over 200 years to rationalize and excuse horrendous acts and behavior.

Just imagine how life would be (or not be) if the star we call the sun acted this way. If it one day decided to flex its might, it could easily vaporize ALL life on earth and not even break into a sweat!

No nation is even a fraction as mighty as Mother Earth.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

1 comment:

  1. My late father, Merchant Marine survivor of the Murmansk run, retired, disabled federal worker, and a Republican, repeatedly lamented in his last few years: "We've become just like Rome."


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