Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 80, Part I

from Verse Eighty
To execute the violent so to rescue the weak is called justice.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
For the most part, at least in the US, justice is used to attack the weak, not rescue them! So many of our laws are established to protect the well off from those not so well off.

If you listen to the screamers on Talk radio, arresting farmworkers is justice. Arresting peace and environmental activists is justice. Arresting the homeless and/or the mentally ill is justice. Arresting black people seen in a white neighborhood is justice. Denying gay couples the right to marry is justice. Abrogating the sovereignty of indigenous people is justice. Destroying our shared environment for monetary profit is justice.

The concept of justice has been turned on its head.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. Definitely agree!
    I think it was David Icke who said we have all authority performing opposite roles. We have a medical industry and pharmaceutical companies who don't eliminate sickness, but protect and profit from it. We have a justice system that supports crime (because without crime, they have no purpose). We have religious institutions who steer you away from spirituality. We have government for the business owners instead of the people. Etc., you get the picture.

    When more people see this, it will change.

  2. I wish I was as optimistic as you are! What most people see is controlled by the mainstream media which has its own set of perverse problems.

  3. "The concept of justice has been turned on its head."

    This seems to be the case in a lot of parts of the world as it is now. Very unfortunate.


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