
Monday, October 12, 2009

Hua Hu Ching - Verse 49

Verse Forty-Nine
Thinking and talking about the Integral Way are not the same as practicing it. Who ever became a good rider by talking about horses? If you wish to embody the Tao, stop chattering and start practicing. Relax your body and quiet your senses. Return your mind to its original clarity. Forget about being separated from others and from the Divine Source. As you return to the Oneness, do not think of it or be in awe of it. This is just another way of separating from it. Simply merge into truth, and allow it to surround you.
~ Translated by Brian Walker ~
In the blogosphere, it's not uncommon at all to run into folks who are self-proclaimed experts. They dispense their self-indulgent advice as their "gift" to the world. So, I often worry about the reactions of new people to this blog. Since I spend a great deal of time expounding upon Taoist themes, newbies might get the idea that I'm some sort of Taoist priest or sage.

I have no illusions whatsoever about being an expert on all things Tao. I'm stumbling my way through life like anyone else! I'm very good at analyzing things, but, just because I can analyze and philosophize, this certainly doesn't mean that I don't struggle to put my philosophy into action.

Consequently, please do not think I have completely fused Taoist thought with Taoist action. To be sure, I'm working on it, but me thinks it will take my whole life to implement a bare portion of it.

In other words, I am no sage, no priest and no expert. I'm simply a rather odd 50ish fellow who lives in a small town in southwestern Washington and happens to write a blog on philosophical Taoism.

This post is part of a "miniseries". For an introduction, go here.


  1. Trey,

    As always, thank you for your humble honesty. Personally there are times that I have wished that by simply acknowledging the importance of integral living all my problems would disappear! I have often wondered how great it would be if by merely being aware of my connection to source, coupled with being a more compassionate and loving human being, equaled instant enlightenment! LOL Ironically, anyone who chooses to embark on any spiritual path realizes that integral living requires integrating one’s chosen practice into his/her daily life.

    Like you, I too realize that it will most likely take more than this life to fuse and implement thought with action, consistently and everyday for the rest of this life. While you may not be an “expert”, from a fellow wanderer to another, thank you for constantly reminding me of who I am and being a source in the “blogosphere” which I can refer to for an honest perspective that seemingly arises straight from your heart.


  2. Alana,
    Yes, wouldn't it be cool if understanding the connection of all things meant we could seamlessly live that way? Our lives would be a lot easier and more contented.

    But each life is a struggle. We each fight our own demons. We each battle with our own particular illusions.


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