Friday, October 2, 2009

Chuang Tzu Added to Sidebar

In my continuing efforts to offer links to a vast array of Taoist materials and resources, I've added a new section to the right sidebar, "Chuang Tzu". The only book on this topic I own is The Book of Chuang Tzu by Martin Palmer, though I've ordered a second book, The Essential Chuang Tzu by Sam Hamill, from my local library. I hope to purchase another version for my birthday this month. : )

If any of you know of a book or resource not listed, please note it in the comments section.


  1. Aloha,

    Over from TAO 1776.

    I have a copy of Stephen Mitchell's "The Second Book of the Tao," a Chaung Tzu commentary. In fact, I have two. Maybe you have something you'd like to trade?

  2. This is not Chuang but just to redraw your attention to

    Hua Hu Ching

    and also

    Ch'ing-ching Ching (sorry no other known on-line resource than my own typed copy.

    As for Chuang Tzu I like a copy I have by Thomas Merton mainly because of his long and intelligent introduction but also because he tells the stories with humour. He is a Christian monk though so is occasionally stuck and plumps for words like God which taint it a little.

  3. The Sam Hamill version is a very unique one. It's the least true translation to the original that I've read, but not in a bad way. But I don't recommend that it be anyone's only exposure to Chuang Tzu.

  4. Thanks for the comments. I've added The Second Book of the Tao and Hua Hu Ching to the right sidebar.

    And Alex, I like unique! However, I do understand your point well.


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