Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chasing Storms

With the above title, you might think this post will explore the metaphor of storms as a source of angst in our personal lives. While I do think that would make for a good post indeed, my focus is not on a metaphysical discussion. No, after many long months of anticipation, the Discovery series Storm Chasers makes its season debut tonight!

It's not amazing in the least that I would love this program. I've always been fascinated by storms, even as a young child. I got in big trouble a few times in my youth because, in my parent's opinion, I tarried too long when the tornado sirens blared. What was I typically doing? Looking for a vantage point to watch the sky!

As I grew older and obtained my driver's license, I often would motor out to the edge of town when severe storms were imminent. I wanted to have an unimpeded view of the storm as it approached. In my life, I've seen quite a few funnel clouds and even two tornadoes off in the distant. Just like with the Storm Chasers, it always gives me a rush.

What I find particularly interesting about this program is that my wife loves it too! It truly defies logic when you come to understand how terrified of storms Della is. Years ago, when we lived in the Midwest, she would go into conniption fits every time it started to sprinkle. If the wind happened to pick up to more than 10mph, she headed for the basement.

Once, when we were living in Newton, KS (smack dab in "Tornado Alley"), tornadoes were dropping out of the sky all around us. Della, of course, was hunkered down in the basement with our pets and a transistor radio. I, on the other hand, was stationed on our covered front porch watching the onslaught from the heavens. While my dear sweetie was pleading with me with screams to get my butt downstairs, I was too enthralled with the area trees bending perpendicular to the ground.

Yet, despite our different frames of reference, we'll both be parked in front of the TV tonight. I sure hope the first episode shows a tornado up close and personal. ; )


  1. HI R T -

    Oh ues, excellent. Enjoy the storm chaser show - you and Della both. I still love the storm chasing scenes in 'Twister'!!

    Love to you both
    peace and storms

  2. i also love storms but i love lightning storms the best. :) ho wakinyan :)


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