Sunday, September 6, 2009

Too Little Time

Let's face it. We live in a complex, fast-paced world. Far too many of us simply don't have the time to sit around to contemplate the meaning of life and other esoteric topics. We've got deadlines to meet at work, kids to ferry to soccer practice, bills to pay, drinks to guzzle down and maybe, just maybe, we will be able to cram in a few brief hours of shuteye!

Perhaps this blog has piqued your interest in philosophical Taoism, but man, there just aren't enough hours in each day for you to find the time to read and digest poetic works like the Tao Te Ching. If this describes your life, take heart! I've scoured the internet for you! And I've found something that may be to your liking: the Tao Te Ching Interpreted Succinctly.

Rather than wade through my 81-day verse-by-verse analysis or reading one of many books on the topic, the cited blog sums up each verse in one measly sentence. That's right. All you need do is read 81 sentences and you're done!

Instant enlightenment!! What could be easier than that?

(Note: You definitely DON'T want to read my analysis of tomorrow's verse. It might put a damper on your enthusiasm.)


  1. lol "instant enlightenment"...

    sorry but i don't think enlightenment lends itself well to sales pitches. ;)

  2. Aah, come on. It's just like instant pudding. Ya know, chocolaty, creamy, cold...glop! :D

  3. While I well appreciate the above comments and must agree, I also find myself reveling in this succinct site, including the links to the full verses and multiple translations. For those already steeped in the Tao Te Ching, this is a resource to add! (BTW too little time indeed - thank you for your prolific blog, I am still out here, currently focusing on the 'chop wood, carry water' part of life as you mention.

  4. Angela,
    Hey long time no hear. And it's great to see you're writing on your blog again. I missed you!

  5. Hey I just realized that "Tao Te Ching Interpreted Succinctly" is twitter friendly, as in each phrase is 140 characters or less. This could be the The Tao Te Ching for the Twittering generation, where everything is so fast paced that people have too little time to think or reflect beyond the boundaries of a 140 word leash.

    No offense to those who find value in it, but imagine what it would be like if this is all that existed of the Tao Te Ching. I mean we're not talking about War and Peace here, the Tao Te Ching unabridged is a very short book to begin with, just seems too excessively condensed in my opinion. Could you imagine if they did this with all the great books, and these fragments were all that future generations had left to read? This kind of reminds me of a sci-fi book I read called: Feed.


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