Saturday, August 1, 2009

Blue Heaven

Today Della & I discovered a funky and truly organic blueberry farm north of Raymond. It's nestled in a bit of a valley amongst the Willapa Hills off Smith Creek Road. We arrived early in the morning and, before we knew it, we'd picked over 7 pounds of the succulent berry.

Ever since I was young, blueberries have been my favorite berry. I used to eat so many of them at a time that I sometimes ended up with a tummy ache. Age has taught me the lesson of moderation, but it's still a difficult proposition with several pounds of fresh blueberries staring me in the face!

What's even better is that modern science has discovered that blueberries are packed with antioxidants and are very effective at killing viruses. Too bad they don't grow year round -- we could replace flu shots with blueberry pie!

1 comment:

  1. Hi R T

    Oh wonderful images, picking blueberries in the early morning. We are BIG blueberry fans here too. And yes, they are loaded with antioxidants and other good stuff. :-)

    My Dad's favorite berry was the eldeberry - not so easy to come by though.

    Love to you and Della


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