Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Whaddya Think?

Sometimes, at these weird hours of the early morning when most normal people are fast asleep, I get to thinking about strange things. This morning I'm going to share one of them with you. Aren't you the lucky ones!

What do you think you'd do IF your doctor informed you that you had only 7 days to live and then handed you a bona fide check for $1 million (tax free) -- don't ask me where the money came from; I told you these are strange thoughts.

Now please note that I did not ask you what you WOULD do, only what you THINK you would do. This illustrates a pet peeve of mine. Folks read something in the newspaper, view it online or see it on TV and announce he/she knows exactly how she/he would handle the situation. Really?

The way I look at it, you never truly know how you will handle any given situation until it actually happens. I don't know how many times I've thought I would know how to react to specific circumstances and, when the time came, my reaction was anything but! I've also seen this same scenario play out with other people too.

So anyway, back to the big question: What do you think you would do if you had 7 days to live and $1 million in your pocket?

Here's how I think I MIGHT handle such a situation. First, I'd pay off the mortgage and any outstanding bills (around $150K). I'd ask my wife how much money she thought she would need in a savings account and we'd set the much aside. I'd also farm out a portion of the money to family.

I'd set very little aside for a funeral. Basically, I'd tell folks to cremate my remains and then toss 'em in the ocean -- fish food.

With whatever remained, I think I'd donate most of it to my local library. If possible, I'd hold out around $100 grand to set up a small scholarship fund at my first alma mater -- Ouachita Baptist University. The only criteria I would set -- much to the institution's consternation -- is that the chosen student or students would need to be ones in need who are NOT Christians (Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans, Taoists, Atheists, etc.) If there does turn out to be a place where our consciousness goes, then I can look up or down and have one last laugh -- at their expense, of course.

So, that's what I think I MIGHT do. How 'bout you?


  1. Hi.
    Discrimination and I bet you know that. I had a friend who became a
    Hare Krishna person. She donated some religious books to our college library and they were thrown out.

  2. By the way, your account will
    not let me leave you a alias. I
    am Kier Butterfly.
    I have a few questions.
    Is it wrong to be a Daoist
    if one is not interested in the
    Daoist Gods?
    Is philosophical Daoism
    cultural appropriation (not sure if right word)?
    I am also worried about appearing to New Agey. Please do not take this wrong. That is pretty much why I couldn't study
    Hinduism or Buddhism when younger
    -that and worries of cultural appropriation.
    Want to become a Daoist -not sure how...

  3. Hi R T

    I would pay off our mortgage and put some money in an account so Skipp had a nice cushion.

    I would give my sister $100,000.00.

    I would buy my daughter's new vehicles and pay their rents for a year or so.

    I would give my son the money for his graduate studies and pay off all his school loans.

    I would buy my husband a cruise to Alaska. and just put whatever was left in a bank account in his name.

  4. I would give it to my wife as compensation for putting up with me! Then I would take a week’s vacation from work. (My wife is an excellent financial manager, and I am quite certain she would invest some for her retirement, invest some for our children’s education fund, and buy some landscaping.)

    When reading that, I realize how boring I actually am….sigh…

  5. If someone thinks they are miserable, money only amplifies their neurotic patterns. This I have seen firsthand. So while I don't know what I'd exactly do, I'd make sure, at least, that my giving would not drive people crazy. It is not that I lack compassion -- I know you will kill a starving person by feeding them too quickly. Also, though I plan on being around for a long time, knowing I'm going to be dead in 7 days would be liberating. Feeling that kind of liberating quality would guide me on what to do with the money. Thanks for the post.

  6. Kier Butterfly,
    Why am I not surprised re your friend. Discrimination is alive and well.

    As to your questions. First, if you strive to be a philosophical Taoist, then there are no Gods to worship. As to the "new agey" part, I don't know. I never really thought about it. As Taoism has been around for thousands of years, it is age old. You could study it, if you desire, and not share your study with the world.

    Of course, while there is nothing wrong with reading the ancient texts associated with Taoism, it certainly isn't a requisite. You could learn as much by sitting in your back yard and watching butterflies. :)

  7. I like questions of this nature because there is no right or wrong answer. It's good to think about such things and ask ourselves why we think the way we do.

    So, every answered supplied thus far is brilliant. Some of the stuff we each might decide re the money may, on the surface, sound mundane, but the routine parts of life are just as important as the awe-inspiring moments.

    And CM, I think you're right about the feeling of liberation. I'm sure it would be mixed with sadness over leaving loved ones behind, but I also think it would provide the most beautiful gift of peace of mind.

  8. oh that's easy, i'd have my baby ASAP and leave it all to him. (not to my husband because then his ex wife would get a portion of it.) i'd use some to pay my parent's morgage and, like you, i'd want a very simple funeral. other than that, my money would go to pay off the morgage and a good portion set aside in a savings fund for my son. my husband would get a new barn for his animals and equipment.
    i'd then spend the rest of the 7 days spending as much time with my son, husband, and family as i can before i expire. :)

  9. I would do exactly what I'm during now.

  10. I have no idea what I'd do, but what I'd like to think I'd do is to make sure the people in my life knew how much they'd meant to me on my journey.

    The money would be irrelevant -- more of a complication to my last week on the planet than a benefit.


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