Saturday, July 11, 2009

Aware of Selfness

The human species believes that we are the top of the evolutionary ladder because, to our way of thinking, we are self-aware. Up until recently, we believed that we were the only creatures who experienced consciousness, but some recent studies have indicated that may not be true.

I'm of the opinion that we have no idea whatsoever which beings are conscious and which, if any, are not. Since we have yet to master the capability to converse with the vast majority of beings and entities on this planet, how in the heck could we know?

It's just as likely that our sense of consciousness is on the low rung of the evolutionary ladder. Maybe most of the other creatures that surround us communicate in ways we can't fathom. Maybe the rest of the world shares a consciousness that our species alone doesn't share or we share it, but don't recognize it for what it is.

There's another possibility too. Maybe consciousness itself is a primitive phenomena. We think it's a big deal because we're aware of it and it's something with share with other humans. But it's conceivable that most of the other organisms have evolved beyond consciousness and we're millennia away from catching up.

As with so many aspects of this thing we call life, we simply don't know. We don't know if we're near the top, the bottom or somewhere in between.


  1. Hello RT, very interesting post. It is so true that we don't know. We sure act like we do though, don't we? I'd like to add my ideas to your ramble, if you don't mind.

    It seems to me that Oneness or unity consciousness is something that many people feel is high on the rungs of consciousness. And, it also seems to me that rational thinking is what creates the illusion, if you will, of separation. Animals don't think rationally, therefore they aren't under the illusion of separation and are living in a state of unity conciousness.

    So, as you say, they may very well be up the ladder of consciousness from most of us.

    Good observations here. Thank you.

  2. Anne,
    As always, you provide more wonderful food for thought! I will gladly chew on this a bit. You may be on to something!!! :)


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