Saturday, May 23, 2009

Like Reading the Tax Code

A few weeks back, I mentioned I was getting ready to read "The Ethics" by Spinoza. While I DO hope to make my way through it eventually, the writing style is not one that is very comfortable for me. It's kind of like reading the US Tax Code -- I've read parts of that before -- or any other highly legalized document.

Spinoza constantly refers back to other paragraphs, pages or chapters. It goes something like this: Here's an idea or concept that refers back to page 16, paragraph 3, sentence 2. So, I have to go back to that place which then has its own references to still more backtracking.

I think it's the kind of a book that a lawyer would thoroughly relate to and, maybe, even enjoy. My problem is that I'm not a lawyer!


  1. Yeah, I've just begun the Ethics myself. I have to say I prefer Schopenhauer's writing style; I'm not sure but perhaps you would too.

  2. Had a chuckle at your review.

    I love reviews like that. You never really say "this is a bad book," or "I hate it."

    But, not in so many words, you do say, "Maybe others will like it. I don't."


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