Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Warning Unheeded

Today while perusing the internet, I came upon a blog, Brendan Calling, which made some points I had planned to make later today. There's no sense reinventing the wheel, so here's what he (?) had to say on the matter.
Back when the Bush Administration was setting up its no fly lists and terrorist watch lists and warrantless wiretaps and habeas corpus-free judicial proceedings and all of its other activities, people like me were sounding the alarm that anyone could end up on these lists. Conservatives typically responded with a glib “if you haven’t done anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about...”

...Thanks to the efforts of conservatives and wingnuts over the past 8 years, Obama has the power to lock you up forever, with no charges. We tried to warn you.

Thanks to the efforts of conservatives and wingnuts over the past 8 years, Obama has the power to tap your phones without a warrant. We tried to warn you.

Thanks to the efforts of conservatives and wingnuts over the past 8 years, Obama has the power to have you waterboarded if he wants to. We tried to warn you.

Over and over we tried to warn you. Bush will not be president forever. The Republicans will not have a permanent majority. Do you really want Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton empowered to lock you up with no recourse to the judicial system?

You made your bed, and now you can lie in it. Oh, and how does it feel to know that YOU’RE being watched now? Honestly, if you haven’t done anything wrong, you have nothing to be afraid of.


  1. Important topic. One that when we raised some time ago people would retort with "conspiracy theorist" or "I don't have time to care"

    The land of the free is one of the least free people.

    Obama does even have the power (slipped inside a bill passed by Bush) to stay in power forever, become supreme dictator passing laws at his word with no need for congress, over rule anything by his word only - this may be used by him but is probably lying in wait for bigger things.

    Again, the warnings have been made but the reactions are "conspiracy theorist" or "I don't have time to care"

  2. I'd feel a lot more smug about this if I didn't feel like Obama is just as likely to reinforce the fascist underpinnings of Amerika as Bush and his cronies did.

    He's put on a decent show so far, but he hasn't really done anything to change the fundamental business-überalles or the America-First mindset that got us here in the first place.

  3. Tao,
    I am always honored when you stop by to share your wisdom!!!

    As I mentioned on your blog, I'm overjoyed that you've resurfaced. Your blog is one of my all-time favorites! I hope you can find the space to resume your excellent writing and commentary.


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