Wednesday, June 1, 2005

We Don't Want Your "Stink'n" Comments

What separates a conservative from a progressive? In the world of blogdom, one very telling aspect often points one in the right (or left) direction. Take a look at how the blog author treats comments.

I've noticed many a conservative blog that simply don't allow comments. The author[s] want the reader to see one viewpoint only. Allowing comments might expose readers to a different perspective and, from the point of view of many conservatives, that's one of our cherished freedoms they don't tend to like.

However, the thing that I've found more prevalent than not allowing comments at all are the conservative blogs that ALLOW comments...BUT delete any comment that doesn't toe the conservative line.

I've run into this quite frequently. Just last night I left a comment about the Iraq War on My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. I checked back tonight to see if my comment spurred any discussion and my comment was nowhere to be found. It's like it never existed.

Of course, there were comments shown for the particular item. The two allowed toed the imaginary line.

I have yet to run across a progressive, liberal or radical blog that doesn't allow comments or routinely deletes conservative commentary. As anyone can see on this blog, no censorship exists at all.

For me, this is the salient difference between the conservative mind and anything to the left of it. We progressives are open to discussion of all hues. We might not agree with your point of view, but we believe that EVERYONE should be afforded the opportunity to have your say.

Far too many conservatives, on the other hand, are open to genuine discussion ONLY if you agree with them. If you don't agree, then the discussion is over with.

That's not much of a discussion -- It's a monologue!

1 comment:

  1. I've had the same experience. Sometimes when I've post a very reasonable comment that disagrees with the author, not only has my comment been deleted, but I've been banned from posting comments on the blog. It's interesting to see this from people who supposedly believe so strongly in democracy.


Comments are unmoderated, so you can write whatever you want.