Friday, June 10, 2005

Message to the Public -- GO AWAY!

Hollywood celebrities seem to have a love-hate relationship with ordinary people. On the one hand, they want the common folk to love them to the tune of forking over millions and millions of dollars to catch a glimpse of their latest work (e.g., movie, tv show, book, painting, album, etc.) Yet, they don't seem the least bit interested in the common people themselves.

It seems like a weird reverse on the concept of objectification. For the big wigs, people are seen solely as consumers, not distinct human beings. When they aren't trying to get us peons to fork over money to line their pockets, they'd almost act like we have no other reason to exist.

I bring this up after reading an interesting article in The Guardian, "Bulldozer Tactics by Malibu's Super-Rich". It seems the beautiful people who live in their beautiful homes on the Pacific Coast don't like the fact that the non-beautiful people like to frequent the PUBLIC beaches in front of their manicured estates.

So, what's a nose-bleeder to do? Answer -- Dig up the damn beach!!
The association representing owners of the 108 palatial homes that front Broad Beach - one of Malibu's most exclusive locations, where the residents include Goldie Hawn, Steven Spielberg, Dustin Hoffman and Danny DeVito - has caused uproar by using bulldozers to remove the beach.

Tonnes of wet sand were pushed from the publicly owned area up to the high tide mark, creating a huge barrier.

According to a nine page letter of protest sent to the association by the California coastal commission, and quoted in the Los Angeles Times, the removal of sand has lowered the profile of the public beach so that "public access is cut off by wave run-up and standing water".

All I can say is that these people got a lot of nerve!!!

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