
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Don't Cry For Me, Argentina

Trey Smith

As I continue to work on the downsizing of our lives, I am slowly gutting our house of furniture and belongings. Most of these things are being donated to a local thrift store, but a few of them have survived in moving boxes. Though we didn't have THAT much furniture to begin with, the house is beginning to look a bit threadbare. Gone are the odd nick-knacks on the mantel over the fireplace, the books on the bookshelves and the framed pictures on the walls.

While the inside of my home is starting to look like a shell of its former self, one salient fact has not escaped me. Though I live today on less than $800 per month, compared to impoverished folks around the world, I lead an opulent lifestyle! I have cable TV, high speed internet and enough food to keep me fat and happy. Though the roof sometimes leaks, I DO have a roof over my head and solid walls to keep the rain and cold out. And I have adequate health care in the form of Medicaid.

It is not much compared to the titans of Wall Street or many middle class families here in South Bend, but compared to people who scrounge for one meal per day or live in filthy ghettos, my life is extravagant.

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