
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

We Won't Complain...If We Don't Know!

Trey Smith

Contrary to what the public is led to believe, the main reason for many facts being classified as “top secret” isn’t so that the designated-enemy-of-the-moment won’t know — the “enemy” usually knows only too well, as Iraqis knew about the torture that was going on. The reason for secrecy is to keep the facts from us, the people, so that we are not a fully informed citizenry. That’s one reality of “top secret” in our nominal democracy.
~ from Why was Petraeus Really Ousted? by Bart Gruzalski ~
In the three brief sentences above, Gruzalski has revealed a truth that too few Americans understand. The secrets that our government keeps generally are only secrets to us, not the rest of the world!

Many of these so-called "secrets" regularly are reported on by the media all over the globe; they just aren't reported here by tour mainstream media. The reason is more than obvious. Americans won't complain about what we don't know about.

Why do you think the Obama administration has gone crazy over WikiLeaks? Why do you think the Obama administration has gone after more whistleblowers than any other administration in our history? He doesn't want us -- the people he represents and serves -- to know what they're up to in the beltway.

If we're apprised of what they are really doing in our name, we might protest. We might make it politically untenable. We might push them to stop.

But they don't want to stop, so they hide all sorts of basic information under the designation of its being "top secret."

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