
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Soo Much Ado

Trey Smith

There's nothing like a good old sex scandal to titillate the American public! The mainstream media has gone into overdrive to cover and analyze every angle possible of the Petraeus-Broadwell affair. If only they would put this much effort into something that genuinely matters!

I read a headline somewhere which asked the scintillating question: Why can't powerful men keep their pants zipped up?

Well, I've got some news for the mainstream media. Infidelity is as old as the hills! Powerful men AND woman have been engaged in illicit affairs for years. I know this and you know this because the mainstream media reports on it incessantly. Every few weeks we are treated to a tawdry tale of some politician, corporate leader, star athlete, or famous entertainer creasing the sheets with someone they're not supposed to be creasing sheets with.

And this kind of behavior is not just limited to the rich and famous either. Down at the local mini mart, I hear the rumors about all sorts of people -- most of whom are neither rich nor famous -- who are engaged in sexual escapades of their own.

Let's face it. Guys can't keep their zippers up and woman can't keep their blouses buttoned because sex is fun and exciting. This is not to say that I think that cheating on one's partner is a good thing, but statistics routinely show that it happens quite often.

So, what Petraeus has admitted to doing is something that goes on everyday many times over in the world. It didn't occur because he's a bigshot -- it happened because he's all too human.

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