
Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Different Sort of Racism IV

Trey Smith

I said I was going to write three of these, but I realized that the author of the third article cited made a very important point that needs to be addressed.
Mainlining Obama emboldens liberals to express their racism in the socially-acceptable way of hating another “other,” the Muslims, whose women cover up their heads and sometimes aren’t allowed to drive, things that keep white liberal women awake at night. These liberals are righteously certain that head scarves and no learner’s permits are bigger problems for Muslims than racist American goons kicking down Muslim doors at midnight and taking away adult males to be tortured and jailed for years without charge or trial, or Muslim children living in constant terror of America’s flying killer robots that circle the skies above their schools and houses. Enjoy your freedom, ladies, as you drive from your nonpaying job at home to your three/fourths-paying job at work while being carpet-bombed by the messages of “your” society, freedom central, that says you’re either good for sex or good for nothing. But, damn, those head scarves could lead to sharia law — and lawn jockeys replaced by camel jockeys in the coming Allahbama! The horror, the horror…
~ from Your Brain on Obama: Waiting for the Man by Randy Shields ~
Let's face it: Racism exists in us all. It may not be an overt racism, but it appears to be rather natural to favor those who look like we do. We often give the benefit of the doubt to people who believe like we do or wave the same flag as we do, so it shouldn't surprise us that we will behave more compassionately or judiciously to those whose skin color is the same as ours.

Liberals like to believe they have gotten past all that. They like to think they embody the "dream" of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. of judging a person by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. It is a lie, a damn lie!

They suck up to persons of color who are in power, while living in segregated communities. They salute our black President, but they still cross to the other side of the street when they see an unknown black man at night. They gush about living in a post-racial world, while they allow their racist tendencies to fixate on a new target: Arabs.

It is because white liberals are doing their damnedest not to allow their racist tendencies toward blacks accidentally to bubble to the surface that they need a new outlet for their animus. Muslims become an easy target. By despising Muslims and everything they stand for, they can channel their racism in politically correct ways.

And so, they can embrace the first President of color, a man who regular kills other people of color, and not see the rampant contradiction.

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