
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Your Life In the Flow of Tao VII


Aging days:

From seeking down all paths we may find one common reoccurring message. "All is one". Ideas of the Non-Dual. This can be brought to our attention from any path and we see it is not linked to any method or exclusive to any one teaching but common to all.

Seen through the mind though we see this as a method just as any other so we see this as a way to meet our old desire of seeking to be happy and content always.

Until a sharp bolt: This is not what is on offer!

Non Duality does not put forward a method, a goal. It does not promise endless happiness, but a different view.

Investigated, this new view is challenging. It has you question whether you are separate to the world. It asks you not to just believe and take on ideas but see world from your own view. Just see the world as it is and be honest.

You see from this honest approach that in a world with only happiness that happiness could not exist! Honestly you see that the only thing with genuine fixedness throughout your life has been change.

Moods change, breath is not unidirectional. The world spins, weather changes.

You can check out Ta-Wan's other musings here.

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