
Thursday, October 25, 2012

What to Do?

Trey Smith

So what does one do about any of this? Short of armed revolution, not much. The train left the station long ago. Resist however you can, but also spend time with family and friends, help your neighbor, learn new skills, grow some of your own food, and practice to be more self-sufficient and a good shot. Love much, and laugh often. Most importantly of all, learn to care for your own health needs, as much as possible, and minimize contact with the health care system.
~ Obamneycare – Another Win-Win for the Oligarchs by Robert S. Dotson, M.D. ~
As this nation continues to fall off the deep end, one of the big questions faced by many is: What to do? Some radicals on either side of the political divide advocate armed revolution (for all the good THAT would do). However, if you're a pacifist like me, armed revolution is out of the question. Not only does it go against my philosophical beliefs, but the pragmatist in me realizes it would be a pointless escapade. The police state is too strong at this point and the feds possess more firepower than a rag-tag group of citizens could muster.

Dotson is right. There isn't really a whole helluva lot we can do. This is not an argument passively to allow the oligarchs to steamroll over us, but we must come to grip with the fact that our protests, from this point forward, will be symbolic more than anything else. We have waited too long to try to stop the madness. Like an unchecked virus, it is killing the patient second by second.

While all of Dotson's suggestions are good ones, the two that I contend are the most important are "love much and laugh often." These two will help to keep each of us sane in a world filled with growing insanity.

If there is ANY hope of one day turning the tide, it will come through the heartfelt innocence of love and laughter.

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