
Friday, October 5, 2012

The Stiff

Trey Smith

Surprising no one, I didn't watch the first Presidential Debate, but I've read about it. It seems to be the general consensus that Mitt Romney re-energized his flagging campaign, while President Obama came off as stiff and disinterested. Many of his ardent supporters are wondering: What in the hell is going on here? Why did their man whiff when he was teed up to hit a home run?

I have a theory and it has to do with economics.

If Obama had scored a knockout, it would make it harder to keep pulling in the big campaign bucks. With Romney sinking in the polls and the big money conservative donors switching their contributions to Republican Congressional races, a lot of people would consider an Obama win "in the bag." The big money liberal donors would likewise shift their spending toward Congressional races.

So, Obama had to do something to bring Romney back into the race! By allowing his opponent to gain the upper hand in Debate #1, Team Obama can still beat the bushes screaming that they need more funding to defeat a growing threat. In essence, Obama wants a tight race because it means more moolah.

And, if you haven't noticed, presidential campaigns these days are all about money -- not issues -- just cold hard cash.

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