
Monday, October 22, 2012

Mencius - Book 6, Part 1, Chapter 7B

'In accordance with this the scholar Lung said, "If a man make hempen sandals without knowing the size of people's feet, yet I know that he will not make them like baskets." Sandals are all like one another, because all men's feet are like one another.

'So with the mouth and flavors; all mouths have the same relishes. Yî-yâ only apprehended before me what my mouth relishes. Suppose that his mouth in its relish for flavors differed from that of other men, as is the case with dogs or horses which are not the same in kind with us, why should all men be found following Yî-yâ in their relishes? In the matter of tastes all the people model themselves after Yî-yâ; that is, the mouths of all men are like one another.

'And so also it is with the ear. In the matter of sounds, the whole people model themselves after the music-master K'wang; that is, the ears of all men are like one another.

'And so also it is with the eye. In the case of Tsze-tû, there is no man but would recognize that he was beautiful. Any one who would not recognize the beauty of Tsze-tû must have no eyes.
~ James Legge translation via ~
 Go here to read the introductory post to this serialized version of the Works of Mencius.

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