
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mencius - Book 5, Part 1, Chapter 3C

Wan Chang said, 'I venture to ask what you mean by saying that some supposed that it was a banishing of Hsiang?' Mencius replied, 'Hsiang could do nothing in his State. The Son of Heaven appointed an officer to administer its government, and to pay over its revenues to him. This treatment of him led to its being said that he was banished. How indeed could he be allowed the means of oppressing the people? Nevertheless, Shun wished to be continually seeing him, and by this arrangement, he came incessantly to court, as is signified in that expression "He did not wait for the rendering of tribute, or affairs of government, to receive the prince of Yû-pî."
~ James Legge translation via ~
Go here to read the introductory post to this serialized version of the Works of Mencius.

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