
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

This Is Your Knight in Shining Armor? (Part 3)

Trey Smith

Mr. Obama’s recently disclosed ‘kill lists’ (link) suggest an unhinged monarch, fully divorced from legal accountability and history, carrying out vendettas against unproven enemies with fevered impunity (if he doesn’t have to show evidence, he doesn’t have to have evidence). With Americans now openly subject to murder at the whim of whoever occupies the Oval Office, the long, inglorious history of domestic power politics carried out through strategic assassination finds a home on our shores. (One need only recall the Bush/Cheney hilarity at putting Ted Kennedy and other prominent Democrats on lists of suspected terrorists used by airlines to imagine where this abuse of power can lead).
~ from Meet Barack Obama by Rob Urie ~
If Obama's predecessor had concocted a "kill list," the nation would have exploded in indignation. People went absolutely bonkers when they found out that Dubya merely was spying on Americans. It would have been seen as political suicide if he had upped the ante to a "kill list."

But a Democratic Party President, Barack Obama, pulled this off with little fanfare. Oh sure, the Glenn Greenwalds and Jonathan Turleys of the world got their panties all in a wad, but the liberal establishment not only didn't go bonkers, they actually applauded Obama for out bushing Bush himself.

By abjectly refusing to consider the future implications of this seized autocratic power -- one that might cause some of the current cheerleaders to find themselves on such a list if a madman one day becomes president -- they simply slapped Barack on the back and said, "Way to go, homie!"

Previous parts of this miniseries: Part 1 and Part 2

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