
Monday, August 20, 2012

A "Tortured" Defense

Trey Smith

CIA agents have written books about it. Former President George W. Bush has explained why he thought it was necessary and legal. Yet the al Qaeda suspects who were subjected to so-called harsh interrogation techniques, and the lawyers charged with defending them at the Guantanamo Bay military tribunals, are not allowed to talk about the treatment they consider torture.

Defense attorneys say that and other Kafkaesque legal restrictions on what they can discuss with their clients and raise in the courtroom undermine their ability to mount a proper defense on charges that could lead to the death penalty.

~ from Insight: At Guantanamo Tribunals, Don't Mention the "T" Word by Jane Sutton and Josh Meyer ~
This is SO typical of life under the Obama administration. As Glenn Greenwald has written about many times, the president and members of his administration brag publicly about the efficiency of America's drone and targeted assassination programs, but claim in court filings that they can't confirm or deny either because such an admission somehow would compromise our national security!

In the situation cited above, it seems that everybody can talk about torture, except those who were on the receiving end!!!!

If you need an example of the convoluted logic of the ruling elites, here it is. It is insanity on an Orwellian scale.

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