
Thursday, July 5, 2012

So One-Sided

Trey Smith

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, a bipartisan organization serving the legislators of all 50 states, more than 400 foreclosure laws were enacted across the United States in 2011 alone, and most slowed down the process.

The Nevada law, passed in October, may be the most stringent: It imposes criminal penalties on lenders that try to foreclose without the proper paperwork. That has led to a dramatic drop in foreclosures in a state that was among the hardest-hit by the housing crash.

In September, banks filed nearly 5,000 foreclosure notices in Nevada. By February, just 460 were served, according to online foreclosure property marketplace RealtyTrac.

Ricky Beach, a real estate agent in Reno, Nevada, said the new law, AB 284, "has pretty much killed the market here." The lack of foreclosure activity has led to a dearth of inventory, he said, with the number of homes for sale in the area down to 778 today from more than 1,700 in September.
~ from Insight: Evidence Suggests Anti-Foreclosure Laws May Backfire by Tim Reid ~
I want to make sure you understand the gist of what this Beach fellow is whining about; it's a theme repeated throughout the entire article. Because he's not making as much money as before, he is upset that illegal foreclosures are down. In other words, requiring banks and mortgage servicers TO BE ETHICAL AND LAW-ABIDING is hurting the bottom line for some folks.

Since we certainly don't want the well-to-do to suffer -- poor babies! -- the obvious solution is to rescind all those tough new laws, so that illegal foreclosures can increase again. Such an increase will offer a needed helping hand to Wall Street, banks, mortgage servicers, real estate agents and these folks, in turn, will start investing in America again which will pull us out of this economic rut.

If you're like me, you probably had as much trouble reading that last paragraph as I had in typing it! I was laughing so hard that I could barely keep my fingers on the keyboard. The very idea that Wall Street suits will quit hoarding their wealth in order to raise all boats has got to be one of the funniest jokes of the year!

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