
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Big Stinking Mess

Trey Smith

Today in America, many will celebrate Independence Day. The general sentiment centers around celebrating our nation's experiment in democracy. In today's times, it seems like an out-of-step holiday since the elites of our society are working very diligently to thwart democracy at every turn. It's like we're celebrating an idea whose time has come and gone.

The captains of industry and finance don't like the democratic process because, if we are at all honest, it tends to be a big stinking mess! When almost everyone gets to have a say, you end up with lots of people yelling and shrieking at each other. Even worse, it often is difficult to handicap the race. Sometimes the masses favor things that the oligarchs do not!


The elite like it when life is more well-ordered -- that is, when the general public takes orders from them. So, the powers that be favor autocracy, regardless of the various platitudes they offer about mom and apple pie. It should go without saying that autocrats look down on democracy because it can thwart their machinations unexpectedly.

So, if you plan to revel in a day of fireworks and saluting flags, just remember that the democracy you celebrate is on the endangered species list. You might as well live it up as best you can this year because, in future years, the 4th of July may turn into a wake!


To hear another viewpoint on Independence Day, listen to The Progressive's Matthew Rothschild talk about My Least Favorite Holiday.

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